GPU accelerated image processing for everyone
Extend labels with a given radius.
This is actually a local minimum filter applied to a label map after introducing background-gaps between labels. In case relabel_islands is set, split objects will get new labels each. In this case, more labels might be in the result. It is recommended to apply this operation to isotropic images only. Warning: If labels were too small, they may be missing in the resulting label image.
Availability: Available in Fiji by activating the update sites clij and clij2. This function is part of clij2_-
Ext.CLIJ2_erodeLabels(Image labels_input, Image labels_destination, Number radius, Boolean relabel_islands);
// init CLIJ and GPU import net.haesleinhuepf.clij2.CLIJ2; import net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLBuffer; CLIJ2 clij2 = CLIJ2.getInstance(); // get input parameters ClearCLBuffer labels_input = clij2.push(labels_inputImagePlus); labels_destination = clij2.create(labels_input); int radius = 10; boolean relabel_islands = true;
// Execute operation on GPU clij2.erodeLabels(labels_input, labels_destination, radius, relabel_islands);
// show result labels_destinationImagePlus = clij2.pull(labels_destination);; // cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(labels_input); clij2.release(labels_destination);
% init CLIJ and GPU clij2 = init_clatlab(); % get input parameters labels_input = clij2.pushMat(labels_input_matrix); labels_destination = clij2.create(labels_input); radius = 10; relabel_islands = true;
% Execute operation on GPU clij2.erodeLabels(labels_input, labels_destination, radius, relabel_islands);
% show result labels_destination = clij2.pullMat(labels_destination) % cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(labels_input); clij2.release(labels_destination);
// init CLIJ and GPU importClass(net.haesleinhuepf.clicy.CLICY); importClass(Packages.icy.main.Icy); clij2 = CLICY.getInstance(); // get input parameters labels_input_sequence = getSequence(); labels_input = clij2.pushSequence(labels_input_sequence); labels_destination = clij2.create(labels_input); radius = 10; relabel_islands = true;
// Execute operation on GPU clij2.erodeLabels(labels_input, labels_destination, radius, relabel_islands);
// show result labels_destination_sequence = clij2.pullSequence(labels_destination) Icy.addSequence(labels_destination_sequence); // cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(labels_input); clij2.release(labels_destination);