GPU accelerated image processing for everyone
Push a tile in an image specified by its name, position and size to GPU memory in order to process it there later.
Availability: Available in Fiji by activating the update sites clij and clij2. This function is part of clij2_-
Ext.CLIJ2_pushTile(String image, Number tileIndexX, Number tileIndexY, Number tileIndexZ, Number width, Number height, Number depth, Number marginWidth, Number marginHeight, Number marginDepth);
// init CLIJ and GPU import net.haesleinhuepf.clij2.CLIJ2; import net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLBuffer; CLIJ2 clij2 = CLIJ2.getInstance(); // get input parameters ClearCLBuffer image = clij2.push(imageImagePlus); int tileIndexX = 10; int tileIndexY = 20; int tileIndexZ = 30; int width = 40; int height = 50; int depth = 60; int marginWidth = 70; int marginHeight = 80; int image0 = 90;
// Execute operation on GPU ClearCLBuffer resultPushTile = clij2.pushTile(image, tileIndexX, tileIndexY, tileIndexZ, width, height, depth, marginWidth, marginHeight, image0);
// show result System.out.println(resultPushTile); // cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(image);
% init CLIJ and GPU clij2 = init_clatlab(); % get input parameters image = clij2.pushMat(image_matrix); tileIndexX = 10; tileIndexY = 20; tileIndexZ = 30; width = 40; height = 50; depth = 60; marginWidth = 70; marginHeight = 80; image0 = 90;
% Execute operation on GPU ClearCLBuffer resultPushTile = clij2.pushTile(image, tileIndexX, tileIndexY, tileIndexZ, width, height, depth, marginWidth, marginHeight, image0);
% show result System.out.println(resultPushTile); % cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(image);
// init CLIJ and GPU importClass(net.haesleinhuepf.clicy.CLICY); importClass(Packages.icy.main.Icy); clij2 = CLICY.getInstance(); // get input parameters image_sequence = getSequence(); image = clij2.pushSequence(image_sequence); tileIndexX = 10; tileIndexY = 20; tileIndexZ = 30; width = 40; height = 50; depth = 60; marginWidth = 70; marginHeight = 80; image0 = 90;
// Execute operation on GPU ClearCLBuffer resultPushTile = clij2.pushTile(image, tileIndexX, tileIndexY, tileIndexZ, width, height, depth, marginWidth, marginHeight, image0);
// show result System.out.println(resultPushTile); // cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(image);