GPU accelerated image processing for everyone
Visualises a single 2D image.
Availability: Available in Fiji by activating the update sites clij and clij2. This function is part of clijx_-
Ext.CLIJx_showGrey(Image input, String title);
// init CLIJ and GPU import net.haesleinhuepf.clijx.CLIJx; import net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLBuffer; CLIJx clijx = CLIJx.getInstance(); // get input parameters ClearCLBuffer input = clijx.push(inputImagePlus);
// Execute operation on GPU ImagePlus resultShowGrey = clijx.showGrey(input, title);
// show result System.out.println(resultShowGrey); // cleanup memory on GPU clijx.release(input);
% init CLIJ and GPU clijx = init_clatlabx(); % get input parameters input = clijx.pushMat(input_matrix);
% Execute operation on GPU ImagePlus resultShowGrey = clijx.showGrey(input, title);
% show result System.out.println(resultShowGrey); % cleanup memory on GPU clijx.release(input);