
Building the code

Build and install native libraries

The c++ library ‘clij2fft’ implements several FFT based algorithms built on top of clFFT. This library is indepentent of java.

Running the javacppbuild.cpp script should orchestrate all parts of the build process by calling, mvn install, and then copying the native wrapper to the lib directory.

For completeness (and to help troubleshoot) the build process is described in more detail below.

Pre-requisites for all operating systems



Windows pre-requisites

Visual Studio Community 2019 c++ compiler
Git for Windows with Bash Terminal

Windows build Instructions

  1. From Start menu run ‘x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019’
  2. From the Command Prompt start a bash shell “C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe”
  3. Run native/
  4. If step 3 fails check native/clij2fft/ and verify that OpenCL and clFFT are installed in the correct locations.
  5. The updated library (clij2fft.dll) and dependencies should now be in the clij2-fft/lib/win64/ directory.


Linux Pre-requisites


Linux Build Instructions

  1. From a bash terminal run native/
  2. If step 1 fails check native/clij2fft/ and verify that OpenCL and clFFT are installed in the correct locations.
  3. The updated library ( and dependencies should now be in the clij2-fft/lib/linux64/ directory.

MacOSX and Mac Silicon Native M1/M2/M3

MacOSX pre-requisites

You will need to install clFFT from here using homebrew.

MacOSX build instructions

To build on macosx or mac m1/m2 (arm64) perform the following

  1. From a bash terminal run native/
  2. If step 1 fails check native/clij2fft/ and verify that OpenCL and clFFT are installed in the correct locations.

The macosx the native library libclij2fft needs to be modified with install_name_tool in order for it to find clFFT in it’s current directory (ie when both are installed in a conda environment and are in /mambaforge/envs/current_environment/lib)

install_name_tool -change libclFFT.2.dylib @rpath/libclFFT.2.dylib ../../../lib/macosx-arm64/libclij2fft.dylib

If targeting both macosx and macosx-arm64 you can build a universal binary using ‘lipo’

lipo -create -output lib/macosx-universal2/libclFFT.dylib lib/macosx/libclFFT.dylib lib/macosx-arm64/libclFFT.dylib`
  1. The updated library (clij2fft.dll) and dependencies should now be in the clij2-fft/lib/macosx/ or clij2-fft/lib/macosx-arm64 directory.

Build Java Wrapper and Plugin

  1. A 64 bit c++ compiler is needed to create the wrapper. In windows from Start menu run ‘x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019’. In Linux/MacOsx make sure a 64 bit c++ compiler (ie gcc) is installed.

  2. Run ‘mvn install -Dgpg.skip’ from the command line or GUI. NOTE: -Dgpg.skip is needed to skip signing if building for testing or local installation.

  3. If the javacpp part of the native build is successful a wrapper libary called jniclij2fftWrapper will be created and put into the target/classes/net/haesleinhuepf/clijx/plugins/$PLATFORM/ directory. We want to copy the library into the top level lib folder (currently we store the libraries in github). That can be done with the following bash snippet….

case $PLATFORM in
      echo "copy jni wrapper"
	    cp target/classes/net/haesleinhuepf/clijx/plugins/$PLATFORM/ lib/linux64/
      echo "copy jni wrapper"
	    cp target/classes/net/haesinhuepf/clijx/plugins/$PLATFORM/libjniclij2fftWrapper.dylib lib/macosx/
      echo "copy jni wrapper"
	    cp target/classes/net/haesinhuepf/clijx/plugins/$PLATFORM/libjniclij2fftWrapper.dylib lib/macosx-arm64/
       	echo "copy jni wriapper"
	      cp target/classes/net/haesleinhuepf/clijx/plugins/windows-x86_64/jniclij2fftWrapper.dll lib/win64/
      echo "Error: Platform \"$PLATFORM\" is not supported"

Push to Fiji update site

There is a fiji update site at where we push the artifacts. After a build you need to

  1. Copy clij2-fft_{version}.jar to the directory.
  2. Copy lib/{platform}/{lib}clij2fft.{dll/so/dylib} to the corresponding location in
  3. Copy lib/{platform}/{lib}jniclij2fftWrapper.{dll/so/dylib} to the corresponding location in

Then perform Fiji update site steps. A description of how to work with update sites can be found here.

Build Plugin Only and Install in Fiji

If you do not have a c compiler installed you may want to just build the java part of the plugin.

  1. Run ‘mvn -Djavacpp.skip=true’
  2. Copy the libraries in lib/win64 to your Fiji installation ( (on linux copy to and from ‘lib/linux64’ on mac to and from ‘lib/macosx’).
  3. Copy the output jar (‘target/clij2-fft-x.x.jar’) to

We recommend searching the ImageSC Forum for more information. Please ask questions on the forum if previous discussions are unclear.