
GPU accelerated image processing for everyone

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Neighbors of neighbors

Authors: Robert Haase, Daniela Vorkel, April 2020


This macro shows how to apply a filter to values of a graph, considering neighbors of neighbors.

// initialize GPU
run("CLIJ2 Macro Extensions", "cl_device=[GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER]");

run("Close All");

The dataset

We start with a list of random point coordinates, draw a spots image and partition the image space between these points.

// make a pointlist of random coordinates in the GPU
number_of_points = 200;
number_of_dimensions = 2;
bit_depth = 32;
Ext.CLIJ2_create2D(pointlist, number_of_points, number_of_dimensions, bit_depth);
random_min = 0;
random_max = 400;
seed = getTime();
Ext.CLIJ2_setRandom(pointlist, random_min, random_max, seed);

// draw labelled spots (1, 2, 3, ...) in 2D space
Ext.CLIJ2_pointlistToLabelledSpots(pointlist, spots_image);

// partition the space between points
Ext.CLIJ2_labelVoronoiOctagon(spots_image, label_map);


Before running operations on neighbors, we need to determine which labels of the label map are neighbors. Furthermore, we can draw the neighborhood relationships as a graph/mesh.

// determine the touch matrix
Ext.CLIJ2_generateTouchMatrix(label_map, touch_matrix);

// draw mesh
Ext.CLIJ2_touchMatrixToMesh(pointlist, touch_matrix, mesh);


Distribute values in space

We get the center of mass of all objects in our label map and generate vector measurement values which are a bit random, but also differ on the left and right side of the image.

run("Clear Results");
Ext.CLIJ2_statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(label_map, label_map);
for (i = 0; i < nResults(); i++) {
	offset = 80;
	if (getResult("MASS_CENTER_X", i) > 200) {
		offset = 60;
	setResult("Measurement", i, offset + random() * 20);
Ext.CLIJ2_pushResultsTableColumn(measurement, "Measurement");
run("Clear Results");

Create a parametric image showing measurements in 2D space

drawResult(label_map, measurement);

function drawResult(label_map, measurement) {
	// replace label in the label map with corresponding measurements
	Ext.CLIJ2_replaceIntensities(label_map, measurement, parametric_image);
	// show the parametric image
	setMinAndMax(50, 100);


Smoothing between neighbors

We can apply smoothing operations, e.g. the mean filter:

// determine the mean value of each neighboring nodes
Ext.CLIJ2_meanOfTouchingNeighbors(measurement, touch_matrix, mean_measurement);
drawResult(label_map, mean_measurement);


To prevent the orange stripe in the center, we use the median filter:

// determine the median value of each neighboring nodes
Ext.CLIJ2_medianOfTouchingNeighbors(measurement, touch_matrix, median_measurement);
drawResult(label_map, median_measurement);


Based on that image, we can visualize the border:

// determine the standard deviation between neighbors
Ext.CLIJ2_standardDeviationOfTouchingNeighbors(median_measurement, touch_matrix, stddev_measurement);
drawResult(label_map, stddev_measurement);
setMinAndMax(0, 10);


Increasing the radius of operation

Furthermore, we can increase the radius of operation by using neighborsOfNeighbors();. When applying the mean filter, one can see a wider orange stripe in the middle of the image.

Ext.CLIJ2_neighborsOfNeighbors(touch_matrix, neighbor_matrix);
Ext.CLIJ2_meanOfTouchingNeighbors(measurement, neighbor_matrix, mean_measurement);
drawResult(label_map, mean_measurement);


At the end of the macro, clean up:
