
GPU accelerated image processing for everyone

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Drosophila embryo cell counting

Authors: Robert Haase, Daniela Vorkel, April 2020


In this example workflow, we estimate a nuclei count in a dataset of Drosophila melanogaster, using spot detection on a cylindrical maximum intensity projection.

The workflow got originally published in the CLIJ paper. Now, this is an adapted version using CLIJ2.

The workflow mainly processes 3D image stacks. For visualisation purpose, this notebook shows maximum projections.

Initialize GPU:

run("CLIJ2 Macro Extensions", "cl_device=");

The dataset

We process a dataset of a Drosophila melanogaster embryo, expressing histone-RFP (Flybase 23651). It was acquired from two opposing perspectives, using a custom multi-view light sheet microscope. Afterwards ans “on the fly”, the data was fused and downsampled by a factor of two, resulting in a voxel size of 0.52x0.52x2 microns. The images were taken from a time-lapse recording, while three embryos were mounted in an FEP tube at once and got subsequently acquired. The full dataset is available online.

Load data and push it to GPU memory:

// clean up first
run("Close All");

// load a specific time point
timepoint = 300;
folder = "C:/Users/Rober/Downloads/";
strNumber = "000000" + timepoint;
filename = substring(strNumber, lengthOf(strNumber) - 6) + ".raw.tif";
print(folder + filename);
open(folder + filename);
input = getTitle();

// measure start time of the whole workflow
startTime = getTime();

// push the image to GPU memory

// close the window showing the dataset

> C:/Users/Rober/Downloads/000300.raw.tif
> GPU contains 1 images.
> - 000300.raw.tif[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@62fc8631] 121.0 Mb
> = 121.0 Mb

Bit-Depth conversion

We convert the dataset into a 32-bit float, in order to deliver smooth results while performing subsequent processing steps.

Ext.CLIJ2_convertFloat(input, input_float);
show(input_float, "Input image");

> GPU contains 2 images.
> - 000300.raw.tif[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@62fc8631] 121.0 Mb
> - CLIJ2_convertFloat_result15[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@1e7fdd0b] 242.0 Mb
> = 363.0 Mb


Noise and background removal

We use the difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) technique to remove noise and background intensity. As the voxel size is different in X/Y compared to Z, we only perform the Gaussian blur in X/Y-plane. We achieve this by setting both sigmas to “0” in Z-plane:

sigma1 = 2;
sigma2 = 6;
Ext.CLIJ2_differenceOfGaussian3D(input_float, background_subtracted, sigma1, sigma1, 0, sigma2, sigma2, 0);
show(background_subtracted, "Background subtracted");


We remove all negative and zero pixel intensities to detect maxima intensity above zero, only.

Ext.CLIJ2_maximumImageAndScalar(background_subtracted, positive_stack, 1.0);
show(positive_stack, "Positive stack");



All following transformations become mathematically easier to perform, when we change the dataset to consist only of isotropic voxels. Therefore, we initially resample the voxel dimensions as following:

resampleX = 1.0 / 0.52;
resampleY = 1.0 / 0.52;
resampleZ = 1.0 / 2.0;
linearInterpolation = true;

Ext.CLIJ2_resample(positive_stack, resampled, resampleX, resampleY, resampleZ, linearInterpolation);
show(resampled, "Resampled")


Spatial transformations

Goal of this workflow is to perform a maximum projection from the center of the embryo to the surface. Therefore we interpret the embryo as a cylinder with its axis along the anterior-posterior direction. The maximum projection, from the center to the hull, consists of a radial and a maximum projection. In order to apply the radial projection, which assigns to the X/Y-plane, we need to rotate the embryo first.

Reslicing X/Y-planes along anterior-posterior direction

Ext.CLIJ2_resliceTop(resampled, reslicedFromTop);
show(reslicedFromTop, "Resliced from top");


Radial reslicing

number_of_angles = 360;
angle_step = 1;
startAngleDegrees = 0;
Ext.CLIJ2_getDimensions(reslicedFromTop, width, height, depth);
// we reslice off-center, because the embryo is not centered within the dataset
centerX = width / 2 - 50; 
centerY = height / 2;
scaleFactorX = 1.0;
scaleFactorY = 1.0;
Ext.CLIJ2_resliceRadial(reslicedFromTop, radialResliced, number_of_angles, angle_step, startAngleDegrees, centerX, centerY, scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);
show(radialResliced, "Radial projection");


Reslicing from inside to outside

Ext.CLIJ2_resliceLeft(radialResliced, reslicedFromLeft);
show(reslicedFromLeft, "Resliced from inside to outside");


Maximum projection

Ext.CLIJ2_maximumZProjection(reslicedFromLeft, maxProjected);

Spot detection

Before counting spots, we need to retrieve the image back from GPU memory to CPU memory.

// pull result image back from GPU


For spot detection we use the ImageJs Find Maxima method.

noiseThreshold = 5;
run("Find Maxima...", "noise=" + noiseThreshold + " output=[Point Selection]");

// count spots
run("Clear Results");
print("Number of spots found:" + nResults());
run("Clear Results");


> Number of spots found:2454


Performance evaluation

Finally a time measurement. Note that performing this workflow as a ImageJ macro markdown is slower, because intermediate results are saved to disc.

print("The whole workflow took " + (getTime() - startTime) + " msec");

> The whole workflow took 4733 msec

Let’s also see how much memory this workflow used. By the end, cleaning up remains important.


// finally, clean up

> GPU contains 9 images.
> - CLIJ2_differenceOfGaussian3D_result17[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@6961b130] 242.0 Mb
> - CLIJ2_resliceRadial_result25[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@d2aeef3] 130.8 Mb
> - CLIJ2_resliceLeft_result27[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@1dd95f90] 130.8 Mb
> - 000300.raw.tif[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@62fc8631] 121.0 Mb
> - CLIJ2_convertFloat_result15[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@1e7fdd0b] 242.0 Mb
> - CLIJ2_resample_result21[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@3304ba4e] 130.6 Mb
> - CLIJ2_resliceTop_result23[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@5708752f] 130.6 Mb
> - CLIJ2_maximumZProjection_result29[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@d0f544b] 748.1 kb
> - CLIJ2_maximumImageAndScalar_result19[net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLPeerPointer@5a7dafa5] 242.0 Mb
> = 1.3 Gb

The following methods are convenient for a proper visualisation in a notebook:

function show(input, text) {
	Ext.CLIJ2_maximumZProjection(input, max_projection);
	drawString(text, 20, 20);